Huge quantity of seized narcotics destroyed  

by mcdix

Vigilance against drug traffickers and enforcement stepped up, says police commissioner

More than 1,300 kg of ganja and other contraband, seized in several cases by city police, were destroyed in Thenmelpakkam in Chengalpattu district on Saturday. Police Commissioner Shankar Jiwal was present. As the stockpile of ganja and other contraband seized in several cases, the Greater Chennai Police Force formed a Drug Clearing Commission under the Joint Commissioner of Police, North, RV Ramya Bharati. The investigating officers had approached the Principal Sessions Court with a request for an exclusive hearing of cases under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS). After obtaining the necessary court orders, the commission initiated the destruction of 1026 kg of ganja seized in 13 cases still under investigation.

Similarly, 250 kg of ganja and other drugs, seized in 55 cases, were queued for removal at the end of the trial and as the time to appeal elapsed. A total of 1,300 kg of ganja and 30 g of heroin and brown sugar were taken to the incinerator operated by a private company under close surveillance, Mr. Jiwal said the contraband was destroyed under the procedure and after obtaining a court order. The market value of the ganja being destroyed could be about ₹2 crores and another 2,000 kg of ganja would be killed soon, he said. Pointing out that the vigil against drug trafficking had stepped up in the past five months, he said city police had registered 404 drug trafficking cases as of May 31, and 689 people had been arrested.


Police seized 1,005kg of ganja, 2.28kg of methamphetamine, 2kg of ephedrine, 100g of amphetamine, 10kg of charas, 10kg of hash oil, diazepam, and nitrazepam tablets, in addition to 45 vehicles used by the drug dealers. “Compared to the past five years, the number of cases and repossessions has increased by at least 50% this year. We will step up enforcement and continue the fight against drugs. We have started investigating the money trail of the main drug traffickers. They have made money from drug trafficking, and we will take action under the law to confiscate their property,” said Mr. jJiwal

Noting that there has been no investigation into drug abuse so far, Mr. Jiwal said that the Chief Minister had announced an inquiry this time. “First, with the help of the Health, Social Welfare, and Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, we will study use, such as which age group is most affected. Based on the study’s results, we plan a ‘demand reduction’ and rehabilitation proprogramsand sculpture. In view of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illegal Trafficking on June 26, a mega awareness event was held on Saturday at Marina Beach; Mr. Jiwal unveiled a mega sand sculpture by students about drug awareness.

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