PM Modi understands potential of India-U.S. relationship: Ambassador Sandhu

by mcdix

Prime Minister Narendra Modi understands the potential of the relationship between India and the US and has played a key role in building trust between the two countries. The pandemic. “s the head of 1.4 billion citizens, our Prime Minister has encouraged us to dream big. Hasshownd us that these dreams could be realized with determination and persistence, as seen in IIndia’srise on the world map,””said Mr. Sandhu at an eve nt in Chicago on Sunday. The Indian Ambassador told the public that India under Prime Minister Modi had shown the world the way forward.

“”Let’sall continues to dream big and work passionately towards making those dreams come true,””Mr Sandhu told the meeting g at the “Vishwa Sadbhavana””event organized by the NID Foundation in Chicago. Prime Minister Modi, he said, understands the potential of the relationship between India and the US and has played an important role in building trust between the two countries. “”n the US, the Prime Minister saw a very good friend and strong partner, who was crucial in turning the dreams and development aspirations of nearly 1.4 billion Indians into reality,””he added.

“r.     odi has shared this relationship with his strong vision, showing that targeted and regular actions make tangible results possible. The United States has designated India as a Major Defense Partner, providing the foundation for our strong cooperation in the defense sector. India and the US are now conducting more bilateral military exercises with each other than with any other country,” said Mr. Sandhu.

IIndia’sdefense trade with the US, close to zero in the late 1990s, now stands at over $20 billion by 2022. Similarly, the energy business, close to zero five years ago, now stands at $20 billion. “”ast year, we reached an all-time high of more than $160 billion in India-US bilateral trade. It is more than impressive that we have achieved this during the COVID-19 pandemic without any formal trade agreement and despite supply chain disruptions,””he said.

The Ind ian Ambassador told the public that India under Mr . Modi has shown the world the way forward. “whether it’s-delivering COVID-19 vaccines to the entire world, aid missions in countries like Afghanistan, or nations holding hands in education or space research; Wwhether,t this stance at the COP26 Global LLeaders’Summit in Glasgow or the Wo Economic FForum’sDavos Summit, Narendra Modi showed the world the way forward,””he said.  Hosted by leading Indian Americans, including Bharat Barai, and Dand Arshan Singh Dhaliwal, the event was attended by many Sikhs from different parts of the Midwest.

Prominent among those attending the event included Senior US Senator Ron Johnson, Spiritual Leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Dr . Debbie Ford, Chancellor, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Robin Vos, Wisconsin State Assembly Speaker S. Satnam Singh Sandhu, Chief Patron, NID Foundation and Chancellor, Chandigarh University, and General Atomic Chief Executive, Vivek Lall. Two books, ”Heartfelt-The, Legacy Of Faith”and ”odi@20: Dreams Meet Delivery”were also released on this occasion. In his speech, Sri Ravishankar praised Prime Minister Modi for several initiatives he has taken over the past eight years.

“India has gone under a sea of ​​change. From developing the infrastructure to caring for the poorest of the poor sections of society, from the ease of doing business and many other initiatives, the progress and development undertaken by the Prime Minister have been phenomenal,””he said. Senato      Johnson said India-US relations have deepened and strengthened after Mr . Modi came to power. “the US has alway regarded India as its natural ally. There is so much that the two countries do together and will continue to do together. The two countries are continuously deepening the important defense partnership, driving economic engagement and expanding the partnership in global health, pandemic preparedness, and critical and emerging technologies,””he said.

Satnam  Singh Sandhu, the head patron of the NID Foundation, said, Mr MModi’spolitical and hum. Ane insight has allowed the role of the Indian diaspora in IIndia’saspiration to become Vishwashwa GGuru'(world leader) once again; this remains importantduringring any trip from any country; the Prime Minister takes the time to meet the Indian community there, talk to them, interact with them, and take stock of any issues they may face. The spirit of Vishwa Sadhbhavana stems from this love and respect that the honorable Prime Minister has for the people and humanity at the global level,””he said.

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